Photographica Pages
An online guide to collectable cameras and related
The Contessa line was designed to fill the market niche of affluent people who did not
consider themselves photographers, but who wanted, and could afford the cost of a simple to
use camera of high quality. This was the same market segment that Kodak marketed the
Retina to. Even though the Zeiss were usually a step ahead in design, and the quality was
always just as good, the superior marketing of Kodak (read massive advertising budget)
dominated this market.
Zeiss Ikon Contessa LK, LKE and LBE
Zeiss Ikon Contessamatic E and Contessamatic
Zeiss Ikon Contessamat, Contessamat SBE, STE, and SE
Zeiss Ikon Contessa S 310 and S 312